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How To Put Adults Only On Wedding Invitations

AdultsOnly Wedding Invitation Wording
AdultsOnly Wedding Invitation Wording from


Having kids at your wedding can be a great addition to the day, but if you’ve decided to make it an adults-only affair, it’s important to make that clear on your wedding invitations. When it comes to addressing your wedding invitations and making sure your guests understand that kids won’t be allowed, there is a right way and a wrong way to word it. Let’s explore the best ways to make sure your invitations convey your wishes without coming across as rude or uninviting.

Be Clear and Direct

The most important thing is to make sure your message is clear. That means no beating around the bush or trying to be subtle. You can phrase it however you like, but make sure the point is clear: no kids. Here are a few examples of how you can phrase it:

  • “Adults only, please.”
  • “This event is for adults only.”
  • “We kindly request that no children attend.”
  • “Our wedding is an adults-only affair.”

You can also use a combination of these phrases to make it extra clear, such as “Our wedding will be an adults-only affair, so we kindly request that no children attend.”

Choose Your Wording Carefully

When it comes to wording your invitation, you want to be sure to choose your words carefully. You don’t want to come across as rude or uninviting, so avoid phrases like “No kids allowed” or “No children will be admitted.” These phrases may be clear, but they’re also a bit harsh. Instead, opt for polite phrases like those mentioned above.

Be Considerate

When you’re asking guests not to bring their children, it’s important to remember that this can be a difficult request for some. Many parents have to arrange childcare for the evening and that can be a hassle. Some may even take it personally and feel offended. To avoid this, you can add a note on the invitation expressing your appreciation for their understanding.

Be Flexible

If you want to be as accommodating as possible, consider allowing a few children to attend. You can add a line to the invitation that says something like, “We understand that some of our guests may have children, so we are allowing a limited number of children to attend.” This way, you can still make it an adults-only affair without having to turn away friends and family members who may have young children.

Be Upfront

Finally, make sure you’re upfront with your guests. Don’t wait until after the invitations have been sent out to mention that kids won’t be allowed. It’s unfair to put your guests in a tough spot and make them choose between bringing their kids or missing your wedding. If you’re planning an adults-only affair, let your guests know as soon as possible.


Making your wedding an adults-only affair is a perfectly reasonable request, but you need to make sure your guests understand your wishes. The key is to be clear and direct, but also polite and considerate. Choose your words carefully and don’t be afraid to be flexible. Above all, make sure you’re upfront with your guests so there’s no confusion. With these tips in mind, you can make sure your wedding invitations convey your wishes without coming across as rude or uninviting.

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